Built from Biology

Fitness apparel that strips away distractions, elevates the body and taps into the power within. Reebok apparel is made for all and adapts to every movement. The human body is the foundation to making apparel that performs for extreme workouts to chill hangouts. I lead the concept and visual direction for the 360 apparel foundations campaign.

Role: Art Direction & Lead Design

CD: Anastasia Bogdanova, Product Manager: Chandler Frost, Copy: Matt Ledoux, Allison Penn, Design: Kelsey Cole
Photography by JJ Miller. Styling by Lydia Santangelo. Hair and Makeup by Lori Greene

The Concept

This campaign video spot showcased Reebok’s top performance apparel, but with an unexpected twist. When developing the concept I made sure to incorporate the brand’s mission to Sport the UNEXPECTED and be unapologetic. When meeting with design teams and brand these products were made to fit the human body and support all human movement.

To incorporate these initiatives and grab the attention of someone within seconds. The video takes inspiration from the dance trend transitions from Tik Tok. Each second of the video I made sure something was changing to keep the audiences attention. Can confirm…No one was injured in any backflips.

Content + Experience

It was exciting to explore the way commerce and content lived on a page for the Asia market. It was crucial for the digital experience to incorporate education, styling inspiration, and easy shopping accessibility. This was the execution of the first series of product that launched in Japan for digital and social. Each drop had a similar look and feel but allowed differentiation to compliment the product throughout the year.

Campaign graphics pack imagery used for .com and retail


Brand Commercial Library


Membership Week